Fleas can be seen all year round in the hot climate of Broome. Only a small part of the adult flea population actually lives on your pet.  In fact only 5% of the lifecylce is found on the dog or cat!  The fleas’ eggs and larvae live in the environment and can survive for up to a year, so it is important to not only treat your animal directly for fleas but also decontaminate the environment as well.  Wash your pet’s bedding using the hottest cycle and regularly vacuum/clean any rugs or carpets.   You may need to use a flea 'fogger' inside the house.

Fleas will tend to jump onto your pet only to feed and then jump off again. Dogs and cats can have a reaction to flea saliva resulting in a skin condition called Flea Allergy Dermatitis or FAD. Treatment of FAD can be complicated and veterinary consultation is recommended.

Some signs that your pet may have fleas include:

  • Scratching, biting and hair loss, especially at the base of the tail and rump

  • You may see fleas (especially over the rump and in the groin region)

  • It can be difficult to find the fleas, but is relatively easy to check for flea dirt.  Simply moisten a cotton ball, part your pet’s fur and place the cotton ball on the skin over the rump. If the cotton ball takes on black specs surrounded by a reddish area, this may be flea dirt and can indicate that your pet has fleas.

Try to get a flea prevention program established before a problem arises.  There are many flea treatment available including:

  • Monthly oral chews eg. Nexgard (our product of coice)
  • Monthly spot-on apllications (eg Frontline, Advantage, Revolution,  and many others).  Many of these products treat other parasites.
  • Shampoos and rinses
  • Collars
  • Tablets and chews

The treatment options may vary depending on your circumstances so please call or drop in and ask for advice.

Warning: Some non-veterinary brands of flea treatments for dogs are potentially lethal when applied to cats. Always seek veterinary advice about the best flea treatments for your pet.