Desexing or neutering your pet is a surgical procedure that prevents them from being able to reproduce. In male pets it is commonly referred to as “castration” and in female pets as “spaying”.
The most common age to desex your pet is at 6 months, however they are never too old to be desexed.
There are many benefits to desexing your pet. They include:
Preventing unwanted litters, which is both expensive and adds to the already overwhelming number of stray animals that are put down each year
Prevention of testicular cancer and prostate disease in males, and pyometra (infection of the uterus) and mammary tumours (breast cancer) in females
Stopping the “heat” cycle in females
Decreasing aggression towards other dogs, especially in males
Being less prone to wander, especially in males
Reduction of council registration fees
Common questions about desexing
“Will desexing affect my pet’s personality?”
Your pet will retain their pre-operation personality, possibly with the added bonus of being calmer and less aggressive.
“Should my female have one litter first?”
No – it is actually better for her not to have any litters before being spayed.Her risk of developing mammary cancer increases if she is allowed to go through her first heat.
“Will it cause my pet to become fat?”
Your pet’s metabolism may be slowed due to hormonal changes after desexing, however this is easily managed with adjusting feeding and ensuring adequate exercise. There is no reason a desexed pet cannot be maintained at a normal weight.
“Is desexing painful?”
As with all surgery, there is some tenderness immediately after the procedure, but most pets will recover very quickly. We administer pain relief prior to surgery. In many cases, your pet will likely need some encouragement to take it easy!
“Will my dog lose its “guard dog”instinct?”
No, your dog will be just as protective of their territory as before the surgery.
What to do before and after surgery
Before surgery:
Make a booking for your pets operation.
If your pet is a dog, wash them the day before surgery as they are unable to be washed after until the stitches are removed.
Do not give your pet food after 10pm the night before the operation.
A blood test may be performed prior to surgery to check vital organ function.
Some pets will require intravenous fluid support during surgery. This will be discussed with you prior to the procedure
After Surgery:
Keep your pet restrained and quiet as the effects of anaesthetic can take some time to wear off completely.
Keeping them quiet is also essential to allow the wound to heal.
Food and water should be limited to small portions only on the night after surgery.
Follow any dietary instructions that the vet has provided.
Ensure all post-surgical medications (if any) are administered as per the label instructions.
Ensure your pet’s rest area is clean to avoid infection.
Check the incision at least twice daily for any signs of infection or disruption (eg. bleeding, swelling, redness or discharge). Contact the vet immediately if these symptoms appear. Do not wait to see if they will spontaneously resolve.
Ensure you return to us on time for routine post-operative check-ups and removal of stitches.